Saturday, January 1, 2011

Split Personailities

A glimpse into the....

"3/4 + 3/4... hmmm so that's 6/8.... simplify .. 3/4"

Other voice "That's wrong idiot"

3rd Voice "He's funny as always"

"Awww.. shut up... I know its... 6/4"

4th voice "Ya you always know, haha"

other voice "That's what happens when you LEFT school"

Younger Child's Voice "Let's do multiplcation!!!"

...split personailities... they sure agree fast on idiotics facts.

Beautiful Words

The beauty of words is to bend the rules of writing and to achieve the flow of reading.


Alone In This Crowded World

I know I'm not alone..... But... the whole world... is filled with people who have built fences and walls around them... I still feel alone... in this world... that is crowded...
